اصطلاحات بومی های آمریکا

اصطلاحات بومی های آمریکا

اصطلاحات بومی های آمریکا

Original by Greg DeLange

One of KORD's great listeners, Sheri, shared an amazing list of redneck slang with us! Nothing more for us to do than to let you enjoy. 

* (to) be too big for one’s britches – to think too highly of oneself

* britches – pants

* can’t carry a tune in a bucket – to be unable to sing at all

* clod-hopper – large, heavy shoes like those worn by farmers

* (gosh) dang/darn/dern – a cleaner version of a well-known, blasphemous expletive

* dang/darn/dern tootin’ – an expression of agreement, as in, “Louella, you make the finest biscuits this side of the Mississippi.” “Dern tootin’.”

* fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down – if someone is unbelievably unattractive, looking as though they’ve been hit with several ugly sticks, this is the proper way to express that ugliness

* fixin’ to – getting ready/preparing to, as in, “I’m fixin’ to go to the Wal-Mart. Do y’all need anything?”

* get up with – to contact or get together with

* granny-slappin’ good (so good, it makes you want to slap your granny) – very good, usually delicious

6 Ways to Tell if You're a Washington Redneck:

* gussied up – cleaned up and dressed very nicely (perhaps formally)

* a hankerin’ for – a desire/craving for

* happy as a puppy with two peckers/peters – very happy

* high cotton – wealthy; successful (and maybe snobby)

* hit with the ugly stick – if someone is quite unattractive, you can say they look like they’ve been hit with the ugly stick

• honky-tonk – a bar, perhaps where country music is played live for folks to dance

* hotter than a goat’s butt in a pepper patch – very hot

* how-do – shortened form of “How do you do?”

* If I had my druthers – if I had my way/my preference

* kin/kinfolk – family, especially extended family

* knee-high to a grasshopper – very young and small, as in, “The last time I saw you, you were knee-high to a grasshopper, and look how grown-up you are now!”

* lick – (noun) any amount at all, usually used in negative sentences such as, “I didn’t get a lick of work done today because my boss kept calling me in for meetings.” (verb) To beat up, as in, “I licked him good that time.”

* like herding cats – anything that is difficult to do, but especially anything that requires organizing difficult people (like small children)

* mash – to press or push, as in, “Mash that green button and turn on the computer.”

* (to) need something like one needs a hole in the head – Obviously you do not need a hole in your head; it’s even bad for you. Thus anything you definitely don’t need, and that might be detrimental to you in some way is described by this phrase.

* ornery – difficult to deal with; stubborn; finicky

* piddly/piddlin’ – a small amount (negative connotation)

* poop or get off the pot – make a decision and take action

* reckon – suppose, guess, as in, “I reckon we’ll see you at the reunion.”

* right – very (often surprisingly); an adverb usually used to modify adjectives, as in, “You wouldn’t know it to look at him, but he’s a right good ball player.”

* rough talk – to speak harshly

* rubber-neck – to drive slowly so as to get a good look at a wreck or disabled vehicle on the side of the road. Those who rubber-neck are rubber-neckers.

* skedaddle – to leave hurriedly

* snug as a bug (in a rug) – very comfortable

* sugar – affection, as in, “Come here and give me some sugar.”

* sweet talk – to speak nicely, usually in order to get something you want

* tater – potato

* (to) think one’s s*** don’t stink – to think too highly of oneself

* tore up – broken/destroyed, as in, “I came home to find the curtains all tore up,” or, “My knee has been tore up since that skiing accident back in ’93.”

* uppity – snobby


* used to could – used to be able to, as in, “I can’t do a cartwheel any more, but I used to could.”

* useless as tits on a bull – utterly useless

* varmint – an animal (usually wild)

* Well, I’ll be a monkey’s uncle. – an expression of surprise, shock and/or disbelief

* y’all – a contraction of you + all. This is the informal 2nd person plural in Southern English.

* yankee – a person from the North

* yapper – mouth

* younguns – young people

* you’uns – y’all

Read More: Redneck Slang Words | https://1027kord.com/redneck-slang-words/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral

کلید واژه ها: اصطلاحات بومی های آمریکا
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تاریخ ثبت: 8 months ago
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