اسم های جمع بدون قاعده

در زبان انگلیسی واژه های قابل شمارش زمانی که به بیش از یک چیز اشاره شوند با حرف اس انگلیسی جمع بسته می شوند، در برخی موارد بسته به حرف آخر یک واژه ممکن است ایی اس به آن واژه افزوده شود. واژه های دیگری هم هستند که بی قاعده هستند، و آنها را با خواندن فراگیری می کنیم.
Irregular plural nouns
Many English nouns have irregular plural forms. While the general rule says that adding -s or -es to a noun forms its plural, this is not always true. The following examples show some of the ways English nouns become plural.
For some nouns, like fish, there is no difference between the singular form and the plural form. Sometimes, however, people do use regular plural endings for irregular nouns, so in casual conversation you may hear fishes or elks.
One fish; three fish
A deer; many deer
An elk; some elk
One species; several species
A series; many series
Some English words come from Latin, and take a Latinate plural ending.
A syllabus; all of the syllabi
A larva; many larvae
This genus; these genera
Her thesis; their theses
One crisis; two crises
An index; a couple of indices
A matrix; two matrices
Sometimes nouns end in -f or -fe and the f becomes a v before adding -s or -es.
A loaf of bread; a few loaves of bread
One wolf; a pack of wolves
A knife; some knives
Some plurals have no pattern and have to be memorized.
That person; those people
نکته: در موتون رسمی و حقوقی از (persons) استفاده می کنیم، برای تفکیک بین چند فرد و یا گروهی از افراد.
One child; three children
One mouse; two mice
A goose; several geese
A man; two men
An ox; a pair of oxen
Some nouns do not have plural forms because they cannot be counted. These are called noncount nouns, or mass nouns. Some common noncount nouns are water, rice, sand, butter, mud, rain, advice, homework, progress, and music.
Here is a full list of some the most common irregular plural nouns in English:
Persons is often used in formal, legal contexts to emphasize individuals as opposed to a group. People is the plural of person that's most commonly used in everyday communication to simply refer to multiple humans. But people can also be used as a singular noun to refer to a population or particular community.
Matrix /Matrices
Irregular plural nouns examples in sentences
Here are some examples of irregular plural nouns used in sentences:
There were two mice scurrying around the kitchen.
Both children were playing in the park.
She saw a herd of deer in the forest.
The men were discussing the issue.
He saw a flock of geese flying in the sky.
The people of the town gathered for the meeting.
There were several cacti in the garden.
Rules of irregular plurals
Although there are no hard rules for forming irregular plural nouns, there are some patterns that can help you remember them.
Some nouns just change one letter, such as 'man' to ‘men,’ or ‘woman’ to 'women.'
Some nouns change their spelling completely, such as 'mouse' to 'mice'.
Some nouns use the same form in both singular and plural, such as 'sheep' and 'fish'.
Some nouns have a different ending depending on their origin, such as 'fungus' to 'fungi'.
Once you find and remember enough of these words, you will be able to remember the correct plural form of most irregular nouns based on these patterns.
Common mistakes
One of the most common mistakes that English learners make with irregular plural nouns is confusing them with regular nouns. The plural of 'man' is 'men' and not 'mans'. Similarly, the plural of 'woman' is 'women' and not 'womans'.
Similarly, the plural of 'person' is 'people' and not 'persons' although this form sometimes comes up when we refer to a number of individuals. Remember that some nouns share the same form in both singular and plural, such as 'sheep' and 'fish'.
100 Irregular Plural Nouns List
In the list below, you'll find singular noun forms in the left column and the corresponding plural forms in the right column. When a noun has more than one plural form, the irregular one appears first, though that doesn't necessarily mean that the irregular form is more widely accepted than the regular form.
addendum addenda or addendums
aircraft aircraft
alumna alumnae
alumnus alumni
analysis analyses
antenna antennae or antennas
antithesis antitheses
apex apices or apexes
appendix appendices or appendixes
axis axes
bacillus bacilli
bacterium bacteria
basis bases
beau beaux or beaus
bison bison
bureau bureaux or bureaus
cactus cacti or cactus or cactuses
château châteaux or châteaus
child children
codex codices
concerto concerti or concertos
corpus corpora
crisis crises
criterion criteria or criterions
curriculum curricula or curriculums
datum data
deer deer or deers
diagnosis diagnoses
die dice or dies
dwarf dwarves or dwarfs
ellipsis ellipses
erratum errata
faux pas faux pas
fez fezzes or fezes
fish fish or fishes
focus foci or focuses
foot feet or foot
formula formulae or formulas
fungus fungi or funguses
genus genera or genuses
goose geese
graffito graffiti
grouse grouse or grouses
half halves
hoof hooves or hoofs
hypothesis hypotheses
index indices or indexes
larva larvae or larvas
libretto libretti or librettos
loaf loaves
locus loci
louse lice
man men
matrix matrices or matrixes
medium media or mediums
memorandum memoranda or memorandums
minutia minutiae
moose moose
mouse mice
nebula nebulae or nebulas
nucleus nuclei or nucleuses
oasis oases
offspring offspring or offsprings
opus opera or opuses
ovum ova
ox oxen or ox
parenthesis parentheses
phenomenon phenomena or phenomenons
phylum phyla
quiz quizzes
radius radii or radiuses
referendum referenda or referendums
salmon salmon or salmons
scarf scarves or scarfs
self selves
series series
sheep sheep
shrimp shrimp or shrimps
species species
stimulus stimuli
stratum strata
swine swine
syllabus syllabi or syllabuses
symposium symposia or symposiums
synopsis synopses
tableau tableaux or tableaus
thesis theses
thief thieves
tooth teeth
trout trout or trouts
tuna tuna or tunas
vertebra vertebrae or vertebras
vertex vertices or vertexes
vita vitae
vortex vortices or vortexes
wharf wharves or wharfs
wife wives
wolf wolves
woman women
Irregular Plural Nouns
Learning to use most plural nouns in English is fairly easy. But unfortunately, some common plural nouns in English are irregular. What are these irregular plural nouns, and how can you remember them? Read on to find out!
Regular Plural Nouns
The majority of nouns in English follow the same rule to create plural nouns, and that is to add -s. For example,
A pen / Some pens
A student / Some students
This is true for all words except words that end in -ch, -sh, -s, -ss, -x, -z, and -o. With these words, we add -es. For example,
A watch / Some watches
A tomato / Some tomatoes
And when a word ends in -y, you change the -y to -i and add -es. For example,
A city / Some cities
A lady / Some ladies
Irregular Plural Nouns
There are some plural nouns that don’t follow the rule above of using -s. Here are the irregular plural nouns you need to know.
Children (plural of child). “There are some children playing in the park.”
Women (plural of woman), pronounced /’wi min/. “Two of our top managers are women.”
Men (plural of man). “The changing room for the men is over there.”
People (plural of person). “There are over 7.5 billion people in the world.”
Teeth (plural of tooth). “He has perfect teeth. He never has to go to the dentist.”
Feet (plural of foot). “You walk and run with your feet.”
The following animals have the same plural form as the singular form:
Fish (one fish, two fish)
While some plural nouns for animals change significantly:
A mouse / Some mice
A goose / Some geese
An ox / Some oxen
Words ending in -f
Words that end in -f or -fe change the -f to -v before adding -es. For example,
A life – Some lives
A knife – Some knives
A leaf – Some leaves
A wife – Some wives
A calf – Some calves
A loaf – Some loaves
A scarf – Some scarves
Words ending in -is
Words that end in -is usually change to -es. For example,
A hypothesis / Some hypotheses
A crisis / Some crises
An analysis / Some analyses
A thesis / Some theses
Plural Words ending in -a
The following are all common irregular plural words that end in -a: