Tag Questions

Tag Questions
Tag Questions
Tag Questions

Tag Questions

Tag Questions


A tag question is a small question that is attached , or "tagged", to the end of a sentence. Rather than repeat the main verb, a form of "be" or other auxiliary verb or modal is used in the tag. Below are a few examples.

You came by train, didn’t you?
It’s very windy today, isn’t it?
You can meet me at the station, can’t you?
You couldn’t give me a ride, could you?

Sentence Pattern

If the sentence is negative, the tag is usually positive, as in the example below.

You didn’t tell him, did you?

Note: Sentences with negative words are considered to be negative. Therefore, they require positive tag question endings, as in these examples:

He never drinks alcohol, does he?
Nobody left a message, did they?

If the sentence is positive, the tag is usually negative, as in the next example.

You told him, didn’t you?

Twelve Rules for Tag Questions



1. After “let’s”, the tag begins with “shall”.

Let’s invite the neighbours over for dinner on the weekend, shall we?

2. Use “aren’t I” in tags to mean “I am not”.

I’m on time, aren’t I? (correct)

I’m on time, am’t I? (incorrect)

3. Use “won’t” for polite request tags.

You’ll bring the other things, won’t you?

4. Use “will” or “would” with imperative sentences (commands).

Wait here until I return, will you?

Wait here until I return, would you?

5. Use “mustn’t” with the modal “must”.

This must be the address, mustn’t it?

6. Two endings are possible when “have” is the main verb of the sentence.

You have enough money, haven’t you? (British English)

You have enough money, don’t you? (North American English)

7. Use pronouns for people, not proper names, in question tags.

Paul is a good tennis player, isn’t he?

Betty has a good job, hasn’t she?

8. Use “it” in a question tag when the sentence includes the words “this” or “that”.

This is your pen, isn’t it?

9. Use “they” in a question tag when the sentence includes “these” or “those”.

Those are your sandals, aren’t they?

10. Use “there” in a question tag when the sentences includes “there + a form of be”.

There is a lot of work to do today, isn’t there?

11. Use “they” in a question tag when the sentence includes indefinite pronouns

(nobody, no one, someone, somebody, everyone, everybody).

Everyone is here now, aren’t they?

Nobody has eaten yet, have they?

12. Use “didn’t” in a question tag when the sentence includes the verb “used to”.

You used to go skating very often, didn’t you?”

Using Tag Questions

Tag questions are used to ask for agreement or to ask for thingsfavours, or new information. To determine which, listen to the speaker's tone. A rising tone at the end of a tag question indicates that it is a real question. The speaker wants to know something or wants someone to do something. Falling tone however, means that the speaker is looking for agreement.

Rising tone -

asking for a favour

You couldn't lend me some money, could you?

Rising tone –

asking for information

You don't happen to know if the No. 50 bus has already passed here, do you?

Falling tone -

asking for agreement

The boss wasn't in a good mood today, was he?

That dress looks great on her, doesn't it?

Note: We usually use a negative sentence with a positive tag to request things or information, as in the preceding examples.

Reference: continuingstudies.uvic.ca/elc/studyzone/410/grammar/410-tag-questions1

Forming tag questions

auxiliary verb + subject

  1. We use the same auxiliary verb in the tag as in the main sentence. If there is no auxiliary verb in the main sentence, we use do in the tag.
    • You live in Spain, don’t you?
  1. If the auxiliary verb in the sentence is affirmative, the tag is negative.
    • You’re learning Spanish, aren’t you?
  1. If the auxiliary verb in the sentence is negative, the tag is affirmative.
    • You don’t speak Spanish, do you?
  1. If the main verb in the sentence is be (am, is, are, was, were), we use this in the tag:
    • There is a lot of noise, isn’t there?
    • You’re a little late, aren’t you?


  1. We use tag questions to confirm or check information or ask for agreement.
    • You want to come with me, don’t you?
    • You can swim, can’t you?
    • You don’t know where the boss is, do you?
    • This meal is horrible, isn’t it?
    • That film was fantastic, wasn’t it?
  1. We use tag questions to check whether something is true.
    • The meeting’s tomorrow at 9am, isn’t it?
    • You won’t go without me, will you?

Additional points

  1. In the present form of be: In an affirmative statement, if the subject is “I”, the auxiliary changes to aren’t in the tag.
    • I’m sitting next to you, aren’t I?
    • I’m a little early, aren’t I?
  1. With let’s, the tag is shall we?
    • Let’s go to the beach, shall we?
    • Let’s have a coffee, shall we?
  1. With an imperative, the tag is will you?
    • Close the window, will you?
    • Hold this, will you?
  1. We use an affirmative tag after a sentence containing a negative word such as never, hardly, nobody.
    • Nobody lives in this house, do they?
    • You’ve never liked me, have you?
  1. When the subject is nothing, we use “it” in the tag.
    • Nothing bad happened, did it?
    • Nothing ever happens, does it?
  1. If the subject is nobody, somebody, everybody, no one, someone or everyone, we use “they” in the tag.
    • Nobody asked for me, did they?
    • Nobody lives here, do they?
  1. If the main verb in the sentence is have (not an auxiliary verb), it is more common to use do in the tag.
    • You have a Ferrari, don’t you?
    • She had a great time, didn’t she?
  1. With used to, we use “didn’t” in the tag.
    • You used to work here, didn’t you?
    • He used to have long hair, didn’t he?
  1. We can use affirmative tags after affirmative sentences to express a reaction such as surprise or interest.
    • You’re moving to Brazil, are you?


  1. If we don’t know the answer, it is a real question and we use a rising intonation with the tag.
    • You don’t know where the boss is, do you?
  1. If we know the answer and are just confirming the information a falling intonation is used with the tag.
    • That film was fantastic, wasn’t it?

Reference: eslbase.com/grammar/tag-questions

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