خطاها رایج تلفظ

زبان آموزان معمولا این واژه ها رو اشتباه تلفظ می کنند.
noun [ C or U ]
UK /kəmˈpjuː.tər/ US /kəmˈpjuː.t̬ɚ/
an electronic machine that is used for storing, organizing, and finding words, numbers, and pictures, for doing calculations, and for controlling other machines:
a personal/home computer
All our customer orders are handled by computer.
UK /wɔːk/ US /wɑːk/
walk verb (MOVE ON FOOT)
A1 [ I or T ]
to move along by putting one foot in front of the other, allowing each foot to touch the ground before lifting the next:
I walked home.
A cat was walking along the top of the fence.
verb [ I ]
UK /tɔːk/ US /tɑːk/
talk verb [I] (SAY WORDS)
to say words aloud; to speak to someone:
We were just talking about Gareth's new girlfriend.
noun [ C ]
UK /ˈnek.ləs/ US /ˈnek.ləs/
a piece of jewellery worn around the neck, such as a chain or a string of decorative stones, beads, etc.:
a gold/silver/pearl necklace
UK /aʊər/ /ɑːr/ US /ˈaʊ.ɚ/ /aʊr/
of or belonging to us:
We bought our house several years ago.
UK /aʊər/ US /aʊr/
A1 [ C ]
a period of 60 minutes:
The exam lasted an hour and a half.
UK /ɒn/ US /ɑːn/
number, determiner
Abalone (/æbəˈləʊni/)
Correct: ab-uh-loh-nee
Acai (/æsaɪˈi/)
Correct: ah-sigh-ee
Accessory (/əkˈsesəri/)
Correct: uhk-seh-suh-ree
Albeit (/ɔːlˈbiːɪt/)
Correct: awl-bee-it
Almond (/ɑːmənd/)
Correct: ah-muh-nd
Asterick (/asterick/)
Correct: a-stuh-ruhsk
Athlete (/æθliːt/)
Correct: ath-leet
Attaché (/əˈtæʃeɪ/)
Correct: uh-tash-ey
Boutique (/buːˈtiːk/)
Correct: boo-teek
Business (/bɪznəs/)
Correct: biz-nuhs
Cache (/kæʃ/ )
Correct: kash
Cavalry (/kævəlri/)
Correct: ka-vuhl-ree
Candidate (/kændɪdət/)
Correct: kan-duh-duht
Chaos (/keɪɒs/)
Correct: Key-os
Chimera (/kaɪˈmɪərə/)
Correct: kiy-meer-a
Coup (/kuː/)
Correct: koo
Coupon (/kuːpɒn/)
Correct: koo-pon
Cupboard (/kʌbəd/)
Correct: kuh-buhd
Debris (/deɪbriː/)
Correct: deb-ree
Debut (/deɪbju/)
Correct: dey-byoo
Definitely (/defɪnətli/)
Correct: deh-fuh-nuht-lee
Dilate (/daɪˈleɪt/)
Correct: dai-leit
Divorce (/dɪˈvɔːs/)
Correct: dih-vawrs
Epitome (/ɪˈpɪtəmi/)
Correct: ih-pit-uh-mee
Espresso (/eˈspresəʊ/)
Correct: e-spres-oh
Et cetera (/et ˈsetərə/)
Correct: et-set-er-uh
Faux pas (/fəʊ ˈpɑ:/)
Correct: foh-pah
Federal (/fedərəl/)
Correct: feh-duh-ruhl
Film (/fɪlm/)
Correct: film
Flour (/flaʊə/)
Correct: flou-er
Gauge (/ɡeɪdʒ/)
Correct: geyj
Genre (/ʒɑːnrə/)
Correct: zhahn-ruh
Heinous (/heɪnəs/)
Correct: hey-nuh-s
Hierarchy (/haɪərɑːki/)
Correct: hahy-uh-rahr-kee
Hyperbole (/haɪˈpɜːbəli/)
Correct: hahy-pur-buh-lee
Ingenuity (/ɪndʒɪˈnjuːɪti/)
Correct: in-juh-noo-i-tee
Itinerary (/aɪˈtɪnərəri/)
Correct: ahy-tin-uh-rer-ee
Jewellery (/dʒuːəlri/)
Correct: joo-uh l-ree
Library (/laɪbrəri/)
Correct: lahy-brer ee
Lingerie (/lænʒəriː/)
Correct: lahn-zhuh-rey
Lip-sync (/lɪp-sɪŋk/)
Correct: lip-singk
Maniac (/meɪnɪæk/)
Correct: mey-nee-ak
Mauve (/məʊv/)
Correct: mowv
Mischievous (/mɪstʃɪvəs/)
Correct: mis-chuh-vuh-s
Niche (/nɪtʃ/)
Correct: nee-sh
Nuclear (/njuːklɪə/)
Correct: noo-klee-ur
Often (/ɒfn̩/)
Correct: aw-fuh n
Paradigm (/pærədaɪm/)
Correct: par-uh-dahym
Probably (/prɒbəbli/)
Correct: pro-buh-blee
Pronunciation (/prəˌnʌnsɪˈeɪʃn/)
Correct: pruh-nuhn-see-ey-shuh n
Pseudonym (/sjuːdənɪm/)
Correct: sood-n-im
Quinoa (/quinoa/)
Correct: keen-waa
Quote (/kwəʊt/)
Incorrect: coat
Correct: kwoht
Regime (/reɪˈʒiːm/)
Correct: ruh-zheem
Rendezvous (/rɒndɪvuːz/)
Correct: rahn-duh-voo
Reservoir (/rezəvwɑ/)
Correct: rez-er-vwahr
Salmon (/sæmən/)
Correct: sam-uh n
Salon (/sælɒn/)
Correct: suh-lon
Silicon (/sɪlɪkən/)
Correct: sil-i-kuh n
Sour (/saʊə/)
Correct: souuh-r
Stomach (/stʌmək/)
Correct: stuh-muhk
Subtle (/sʌtl/)
Correct: suht-l
Supposedly (/səˈpəʊzədli/)
Correct: su-pos-ed-lee
Suite (/swiːt/)
Correct: sweet
Tuition (/tjuːˈɪʃn̩/)
Correct: too-ish-uh n
Turquoise (/tɜːkwɔɪz/)
Correct: tur-kwoiz
Wednesday (/wenzdeɪ/)
Correct: wenz-dei
Yolk (/jəʊk/)
Correct: yohk